Tuesday, November 14, 2006


what a kool picture of us in the car!!!!

what else to say, it was a good night!


Noof said...

Yay formalness :-) You looked great Lesley :-) Ryan just couldn't compare ;-) hehe


Missus Upton said...

yeah, gotta agree there!
Poor poor ryarrn...:P

You seriously looked great though Lesley!

Ponyb said...

i still reckon jacinta looked the prettiest! :-P heh heh heh. you came a very close second, tied with kate newman, laura and ms hall. twas a good evening.

SuperTiph said...

It was so good to see you all dressed up and prettier than the pretty you always are. And the pre formal photoness held another appearance of 'the white dress' (but no jeans).

Level 4

Sara said...

Awwwww thats such a good photo of you two. The two of you together look great but rryan seperately, well yep he doesnt really compare! hahah joking rryan!

Anonymous said...

Good Pictures!!!
I have just been to my grandparents house and that was...ok... Anyway I hope you had a great christmas!!!

Anonymous said...

Update you bogan!!